Thursday, January 10, 2008

Waukesh Winter Open - 1100 rated kid beat 1900 rated former expert

In 2nd round of Waukesha Open, Stanley Garvin (1884) lost to Gregory Reese Jr (1146). Garvin was once rated in expert category (2013) and is coming back after a long gap. Garvin had black and was in severe time pressure. He sac-ed a pawn on queenside to get counterplay in kingside. However, the pawn reached 6th rank with threat of queening. He then blundered a few pawns. However, Gregory was also playing fast (though he had 29 mins) and allowed Queen-King skewer but Garvin's clock ran out of time (position below).

One point to note that Gregory played really well during this fast play. I feel with enough practice and coaching, he is definitely going to reach much higher rating. Is Gregory going to join our list of under 10 wonder kids ? Time will tell.

Souvik Roychoudhury (2) beat D Ruel (1)
Gregory Reese Jr (2) beat S Garvin (1)
J Coons (2) beat J Smith (1)
J Mading (1) lost to J Hetzel (2)
M Lawrence (2) beat J Rochlay (1)

Current standing (with 2 points)
1. Souvik (1962)
2. J Coons (1862)
3. J Hetzel (1697)
4. M Lawrence (1533)
5. Gregory Reese Jr (1146)

I played King's indian defense with colors reversed (means one tempo down) - a very risky decision. During the game I felt I was losing (being a kings indian player myself, was seeing a lot of white moves). However, nothing serious happened and I could close the king side and open up queenside to win the game. Will publish the game over the weekend.

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